Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blur the World :: Snowflakes

This is Honey Bun and I saying HI to after Boxing line up! (I love my gingy pj pants) We got everything we anticipated to get, it was not that cold until almost 6am, so we were good. Right at 6am, we stomped right through the doors, I grabbed two laptops, one for dad one for brother. HB got us a blue ray player. Success!

And more parties to come! I love gathering with friends and just have a great cozy night with great food - and of course our favorite is hot pot. Thanks for having us, I truly believe everyone had a good time this tonight. What have you done with your friends this holiday? 

Jumbo snowflakes falling thick and heavy during holiday is a special sight. They blur the world for a moment and lay a fresh blank canvas over everything. So if you are sitting inside listening to carols on the radio, munching Christmas cookies, or chatting with family and friends, take a moment to look out the window and just enjoy the scene.

