Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012


I hope everyone is having a safe, exciting and cozy Halloween! 
I swear these two weeks had been crazy at work. 'Dead'lines everyday, every task is urgent. October is just one of those months, in this company, that when everyone at work is just about to lose it. However, we are still standing strong! Budgets and Q3 hitting in the same month this year is not going to kill us! I desperately need a massage this weekend, my lower back and right-wing shoulder is constantly hurting, even if I am not doing anything. 

Nothing should ruin the good moods when we get home. Honey Bun and I planned a night at home this Halloween since, 1) we are too old to party 2) we are too tired to party. He bought pumpkins, went hunting for carving kits (because they were sold out EVERYWHERE!), got snacks and I made horlicks with dash of condensed milk. We re-watched Jurassic Park 1 tonight, and purposely left the lights off (lit candles everywhere) so the kids won't think anyone is home for trick o' treats. We had an amazing night, definitely romantic.


So these are our carved pumpkins! Not bad for a first-timer huh! I loved this event, it is definitely going to re-run next year, crossing my finger with the same person. It's hard to find a partner to do silly things with you, these interactions are meaningful.

Last but not least, oven-roasted pumpkin seeds with salt seasoning.

Hope you had a great night like we did, thank you for coming by!
