Tuesday, November 19, 2013

People You Meet...

Happy Tuesday! It's Garbage Day!

I had a nice chat with an old friend yesterday. Actually, she was never my friend until recently or so. I met her through a previous friend of mine. C and I were never close because I had bad impressions of her from what our common friend was telling me. Yes.. back in the days when I believe everything my friends tell me. I have grown up and started to trust my own instincts. It started off as hi-bye friends in the malls, but now we would chat! People come and go and we are both well aware of this fact, but there are just times we are glad that we leave what is supposed to be left behind - for a brighter, simplier future - we share this moment.

If you have a friend that talks about everyone else, chances are they will do the same behind your back. As much as one tries be the good angel, it is as good as it get when you have a mouth of a devil. Learn from the past and self-reflect is what we should do on a daily basis. There is a reason of why things happened to the way they are. I am glad to have who I still have by my side today, there is a reason why I kept them - as my bff and I always say "I only keep the goods".

Speaking of friends, bestie J got me these uber cute goodies from her recent Disney Trip! I love everything :)

counting down :: 11 days

