Monday, November 3, 2014

Lesson Learned

Weekend Breafast

Words couldn't even explain how _______ I was over an incident that happened over the past weeks.  It is what it is and life is a choice.

Honey and I went to grab some small things at IKEA over the weekend and we found our Christmas tree! Woohoo* Super happy girl I'm gonna start piling gifts under this tiny pewny tree with lots lots lots of love. 52 days till Christmas!!!

I wasn't in the mood for pumpkin carving this year and I am regretting that I have missed this tradition with HB since we do it every year. This is his carving and I made pumpkin dessert instead with his pumpkin.

煮早餐 整傢俬戀愛史 簡單到永遠兩口子
我位置 會找到你位置 樸素地讓你知

幸運時 鳴謝你 動盪時維護你
如不安 如沮喪 亦輕輕一笑無謂記起
在地球流浪記 在漫長時日飛
憑一生 談戀愛 為普通小節時常回味

