Friday, February 7, 2014

Settled in :: Happy Life

We are finally done with the move and with all the unpacking! What a tiring hell of a week! 

The year of Horse is going to be amazing; I am super excited for this year. Many events are happening and this is only the beginning of it. Next few weeks, Honey and I are getting onto the serious (aka stressful) stuff. Numbers are never in my expertise, I’m glad I have a finance expert with me – he can do all the work. Before getting a pre-approval of mortgage, we have a ton of things to sort out on our list. I am sure everything is going to work out in the end. 

I will be starting my RPA designation by the end of February; there will be a lot of times Honey and I will study together. Honey is finishing his CGA, and he will continue onto CFA; I aim to finish RPA when he finishes his CFA, so we can celebrate big time together. Maybe a trip to California? 

In the year of Horse, I wish to strive for an optimistic mindset and hope to be better in handling stress as well as to deliver positive, cheerful energy to the people around me. 

Wish you, you, you and you health, wealth and happiness in the year of Horse!

Eat more, talk less; never be a second option and do not take counter offers!

Thanks so much for reading!

