Friday, July 29, 2016

BabyBun is Coming!!!

大家好啊~ 當你睇到呢篇文章既時候,我已經係三個月懷孕啦!(^ω^)就黎做爸爸媽媽既心情真係好開心,同時間又好緊張好激動!首先... 我要記低呢個懷孕過程先...

話說我地係2015年9月結婚,11月返香港同親戚補辦喜酒。原本想返完香港返黎就嘗試懷孕,點知我就12月份被公司lay off咗~ 一時三刻我突然間就好冇安全感,覺得未做好心理準備做媽媽,話曬我係300%值得擁有加拿大產假!你而家話比我知冇咗,心心不忿,所以決定將呢個計畫暫時擱置。

放咗幾個月假期之後,預備好心情3月份就搵到新工作! 點知中獎都冇咁易,一過probation 6月份我就發覺自己有咗啦!只想講一句:老公好勁啊!哈哈哈... (≧∇≦)

June 9th, 2016
So I purposely wait till my period was late for 5 days before I take a test, because I read too many women out there keep thinking they are pregnant when their period was 2-3 days late and keep getting disappointed. My period was late for 5 days which is very unusual for me, usually I am just 1-2 days off. My boobs hurt like as if I was punched, super sensitive and also I have been falling asleep before 8pm every single day! So I took the test while Honey went for his basketball practice, and TWO LINES!! TWO LINES!! I AM PREGNANT!! I was so happy and started tearing up in the washroom, looked in the living room for my dog and hugged him to tell him that he is going to be a brother :) I also immediately told my lover Joanne, I couldn't resist!! She needs to know immediately!!

June 10th, 2016
Today is Friday, I haven't told Honey yet. I wanted to make sure I take three days of tests first before I bring him this happy news. Every morning he would make me a coffee, but today I said I don't want any coffee. He asked me why and I said some lame excuse. LOL. superrr tired everyday!! Today I also booked our first doctor's appointment for the coming Tuesday!

June 11th, 2016
今日係星期六,通常都係老公早D起身,但係今日我特登早D起身,再驗一驗,still positive! 之後去老公耳邊,細細聲叫醒佢同佢講:「我有野送比你~」and then I gave him the testing stick, he looked at it, paused, he sat up and looked at it again, and said "really..?" "Really!!? "are you sure?!!!!!" And I just kept saying yes yes yes :) and we hugged for awhiiiile in bed :) awww I feel so grateful this is happening *\(^o^)/*

June 14th, 2016
Yesterday Honey and I took half day off and went to our first doctor's appointment! We met with family doctor, she gave us a list of OB to choose from and which hospital, gave us a new parents package. They took my blood for some testing and we booked out first ultrasound appointment at week 7 (I am at week 5 now). We went home at 4pm and I went to bed, Hubby was researching online reading reviews of doctors and hospitals... :) *muah*

June 15th, 2016
Today I had broccoli and chicken for lunch. As normal as it sounds, it is summer and I WANT MY ICECREAM............!!!

June 18th, 2016
今日去攞驗血報告,醫生話我very健康,HCG指數仲極高。馮生超興奮.. 可愛的未來爸爸~

June 19th, 2016
父親節送咗呢個消息比兩位爸爸,好開心啊,我阿爸直情拍手拍手猛咁講「好野!好野!」傻咗... (≧∇≦)bb同阿公阿爺講,二月見!

June 20th, 2016 
今日第一次孕吐。真係唔係普通既難受啊!This is just the beginning... But I can do it! :)

June 23rd, 2016 
Finally got a chance to tell Vivian this news :) Oh! And I've been pretty lucky with the morning sickness, I only get it once every few days, hopefully this is how it is until my first trimester is over. BabyBun please be gentle to Mommy okay... *muah* 當媽媽的感覺很奇妙 因為自己已不再是個體 必須對腹中的新生命負責.. HoneyBun, BabyBun and MommyBun will add oil together!!

June 24th, 2016 
I've been pretty lucky with the morning sickness, I only get it once every few days -- yea let me cross that off because I totally jinxed it. 

July 1st, 2016
第七週基本上每天每時每刻我都是在孕吐之中渡過 這個過程真的非一般難受 馮生很體貼的為我做好每一天的事情 基本上我已經沒有做任何的家務了 胃口不好的時候他也會煲粥煮麵給我吃 每天早上起來都會先遞給我一杯豆漿一塊餅乾 讓我先補充血糖和吸收胃酸 所以懷孕的時候媽媽不可以只申訴自己的不舒服 其實站在旁邊的爸爸也很勤勞辛苦的 爸爸也一直為我們加油 所以BB 你要和媽咪一樣 健健康康 不要讓爸爸擔心喔∼

July 3rd, 2016
昨天我們去照第一次的超聲波 啊∼ 第一次看到自己肚裡面的小豆 心情有點激動 看著babybun一顆很小很小的心在撲通撲通的跳 很奇妙∼ 期待下一次的見面!

July 8th, 2016
昨天雖然8點就睡了 但今天還是很累 起來後都沒什麼心情 有點低落 有點說不出為什麼的擔心感 又有點不安 孕婦睡不好和多夢應該是正常吧  最近真的很多夢 平常我都不怎麼發夢的人 最近在夢裏發生很多無理的事 很多時候我都是在奔跑中 在夢裏每天都是很累地過著...

July 15th, 2016
omgomgomg we are at week #10!! i'm so tired everyday T_T 爸爸辛苦了..

July 19th, 2016
希望堅持做個可愛時尚媽~ 每天指定動作:維他命+妊娠紋膏~ 擦擦擦~ 現在還沒到三個月我已經見肚了,一定是我媽生得我太胖啦... 不要不要~ ( ̄▽ ̄)

July 23th, 2016

July 26th, 2016
第一次有人讓座給我~ 哈哈~ seems like my belly is starting to show more.. :)

July 29th, 2016
有驚無險,踏入三個月啦!孕吐的情況雖然未有改善,依然混混沌沌半昏迷狀態地過每一天,每餐不能吃太飽依舊三個小時就肚餓,雖然有時候還是想任性地吃一大包薯片和一大桶的雪糕,但最終還是很聽馮生的話沒有亂吃東西!還有每一晚都是多夢之夜,每一晚起床兩次去廁所,就連我的小狗都不理我了,平常我走過它會抬抬頭八卦一下,現在它都在想:「媽咪,怎麼又是你啊。」馮生依舊對我好很細心,每個週末幫我做好所有家務打掃乾淨,讓我和小狗可以坐在沙發上看電視做大懶蟲。老爺奶奶買了花膠給我焞來吃,爸爸媽媽也每個禮拜當漁民去供應鮮魚和魚湯給我吃。因為有孕吐的關係所以現在還沒有增磅,想說本來就已經是肥妹一名嘛.. 謝謝大家對我們的祝福,歡迎大家來見證這個「沒有最肥只有更肥」的旅程!