September 4th. why do i remember it. so stupid.

Oh man the long weekend is over... why is Mondays always so far from Fridays and Fridays so close to Mondays? Well regardless of how tremendously dreadful Mondays are, I had a fab-u-lous weekend! I was actually not feeling very well on Sunday, I had side cramps out of no where. HoneyBun offered to make dinner! I was excited to see what he can come up with... good'ol mac n' cheese! reminds me of my elementary days :) such heart warming comfort food.. and a nicely toasted baguette on the side with a dash of cream cheese..
Things NEVER end that dull when HoneyBun is around. Bowl full of longan already nicely prepared :)
biking at Centre Island (here)
Question of the Week: "Would you rather have an amazing boss but horrible colleagues -or- horrible boss but amazing colleagues?" Right now i am in situation 2. My direct boss is amazing and i have an amazing crew of colleagues, the downside is the President of the company. Work is SUPER difficult when he is around! He surely make-use of everyone's salary to the very last bit - physically and emotionally. What would you rather be in?
Question of the Week: "Would you rather have an amazing boss but horrible colleagues -or- horrible boss but amazing colleagues?" Right now i am in situation 2. My direct boss is amazing and i have an amazing crew of colleagues, the downside is the President of the company. Work is SUPER difficult when he is around! He surely make-use of everyone's salary to the very last bit - physically and emotionally. What would you rather be in?

afternoon walk at High Park (here)
The type of people you choose to be surrounded with, is the type of person you will be.
hazelnut cake from Ruelo (here)
Happy birthday to Mandy! (Andy's little sister) she just turned 18... wow 18 sounds so far away from me... what was i doing when i was 18? i was actually working my butt off full time Timmies and with full time school. Life was chills, no obligations to anything, almost singing K every night, no mortgage...
Happy birthday to Mandy! (Andy's little sister) she just turned 18... wow 18 sounds so far away from me... what was i doing when i was 18? i was actually working my butt off full time Timmies and with full time school. Life was chills, no obligations to anything, almost singing K every night, no mortgage...
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